Tuesday 7 May 2013

Neumont University (Review)

Neumont University is from Utah in the United States (90% are Mormons living in Utah). Even the name is called "university" but this place is just a career training school for basic computer skills. This is just the first marketing trick for Neumont, and you can learn more about the truth and reputation of this scam for-profit college below.


Neumont is not a university; truth is that its a just a training school for computer hardware, video games, and other simple programming skills. Some kids don't understand differences between college and university, and institute, etc. Well if a real university it should manage multiple colleges for many different fields, example - biology, history, etc. but Nemont is just one program only, even not a college, but less than even a college, just a "school" or maybe "institute" if they are lucky enough.


So many students do not understand the meaning about for-profit schools. That means its only caring about one thing: PROFIT. That is money!! These type of "college" is only recently legal in United States and many of them already got shut down by US government because 99% is scam. They don't care about teaching quality or school academics, just profit. So mostly these schools will sue everyone who criticize their program, try to erase the truth from the internet. Did you know all the universities on US NEWS WORLD REPORT top colleges list is NOT for-profit colleges?? Never! See!!


All the public colleges and universities in America are accredited regionally, and all the high reputation private colleges also. But for Neumont the school is not such accredited, so the classes and courses will not be accepted to 90% of schools in United States. So if you want to attend graduate school later or transfer to different major you can NOT ever do it. You are stuck to Neumont and if you drop out or they kick you out (very common) then you have so much debt and no valuable college credits at all. Also there is something called ABET for any computer science schools in America should have this accreditation recognized and Neumont University does NOT have it.


That is not really "degrees" given by Nuemont actually its just training programs for a career or skill about computers so not even "certificate" is correct either. Neumont just simply offers "classes" for computer skills and basic programming (you can Google it free!) and they try to call it "Bachelors" and "Masters" degrees but yeah right!! It's bullshit!! These are not degrees because its only 2 years long and not even properly accredited so that is just a very expensive piece of paper for you, please be clear now.


Did you realize that Neumont teachers are not actually professors? That is right, these guys are just "instructors" who got a degree from Neumont. Sometimes they hire a student to become a teacher, seriously! And many other "professors" just got a degree from University of Phoenix or another low quality school that is not regionally-accredited. All the REAL college professors in America have a PhD degree in their study field and perform topic research. But Neumont just full of lies and pretend FAKE professional. Some of them got hired from a Craigslist.org classified ad and that is true. Often, Neumont teachers are so stupid, they must hire freelance programmers online to help finish a class project. WTF!!


Neumont tuition rate is more than $37,000+ each year, that is more expensive than Harvard, Stanford, MIT, Berkeley, Princeton, all of the best universities in the world. Why? Because Neumont mostly just accepts the nerdy kids from a rich Mormon family or just a few very poor kids who can get the free government loan money to pay 100% of their bills. Do you understand this scam now?? Just a for-profit scam school who stealing the tax payer money from Americans!! And laughing to the bank!!


Karick Heaton is the Director of Admissions (who apparently got no college degree) and some students said that he was smoking marijuana with students. That is a illegal crime in Utah and so unbelievable. Also there is Edward Levine the President and CEO who was accused of stalking, harassment by multiple families. One student said Levine called his family after he was drunk and threatened to their family about lawsuits and suing them if they gonna complain about the Neumont scam. Of course Edward is so rich and Mormon with many powerful friends in the Utah newspapers, and education system, even US government and judges! so.. innocent people got trouble from him.


Even government data showed that 95% of Neumont students are just boys and mostly white Mormon families only there. So why Neumont tries to hide about the Mormon connection? Because they are trying to get more money now from the other Americans who not Mormon. And mostly Americans scared of Mormons and think they are crazy so Edward Levine try to pretend like Neumont University is a normal private school, its a lie!!

So do you understand the truth better? If you want to be stubborn so try Neumont college. They are good for making those high school loners and video game geek feel special and have a family of nerds, like a 2nd high-school experience again! Well if you want to waste like $100,000 of cash and you don't care employers and friends laughing at your scam school so maybe you can try Neumont University today!! good luck!